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Andrea Wolff




Verena Goebel




WOMEN’S HUB ROSENHEM wird organisiert durch Andrea Wolff und Verena Goebel und ist ein Projekt der Andrea Wolff und Verena Goebel GbR, Stürzerstr. 22, 83043 Bad Aibling.

WOMEN’S HUB ROSENHEIM ist eine Kooperation mit der WOMEN’S HUB UG (haftungsbeschränkt).

Q & A

Perhaps we can answer some of your questions here

Q: Can I definitely hold a WOMEN'S HUB TALK when I sign up for a WOMEN'S HUB DAY?

A: Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee this. More women always sign up for giving a talk than we have places for. We try very hard to make sure that women who have been to several events can be on stage.

Q: I don't have a definite vision that I can share - am I at the right place anyway?

A: Absolutely. We are all on a journey and want to develop. Some women have a dream, some have a concrete vision, and some only have a vague feeling that there is more in them that wants to be discovered.

Q: Do I have to prepare for the WOMEN'S HUB DAY in any way?

A: No, unless you want to give a HUB TALK. Otherwise, everyone introduces themselves briefly, but this happens in a very relaxed way. We also ask you to fill out your profile in the member area of this website where you will find all women who have already participated in a WOMEN'S HUB DAY.

Q: What's the value of attending the WOMEN’S HUB DAY if I don't give a talk?

A: It only becomes really exciting outside our comfort zone ... every woman benefits and brings something different. You listen to the stories of other women, become inspired by them, give them feedback, and connect with kindred spirits. You can make personal contacts in the interactive parts of the day and think about when and with which story you want to go on stage.

Q: When is the next WOMEN'S HUB DAY?

A: As soon as the dates are set, we will communicate them on our website and our Facebook page. The WOMEN'S HUB DAY takes place in each city at least 3 times a year. We do not have waiting lists for dates that have not yet been announced.

Q: How can I connect with the other women? 

A: The heart of the WOMEN'S HUB are the DAYS - where it is certainly easiest to connect and network with other women. Many mastermind groups and friendships started at the DAYs. Furthermore, all women who have already been to a WOMEN'S HUB DAY in a given city have access to a private Facebook group to exchange, inspire, and motivate each other. And through the member area of this website you can also show your story - be part of it!

Still need help? Send the organizer of the WOMEN’S HUB DAY a message.