At the beginning of 2016, Daniela (Eli) Perzlmaier with her friend Stefanie Pietsch started the WOMEN'S HUB as a private initiative, out of their own need for growth and development. She felt that there was much more to her and that many women felt the same way. She was firmly convinced: we can achieve more together! Her motto was ‘just do it’ and so the WOMEN'S HUB was born from this idea in a very short time. Right from the start, women were enthusiastic about the idea, offered their support, and wanted to be part of it.
The first WOMEN'S HUB DAY in April 2016 exceeded all expectations and many new and great things were born.

Enthusiastic about the first WOMEN'S HUB DAY, Lara Tönshoff, Eli's longtime companion, joined in. Together they took the WOMEN'S HUB to the next level and developed the concept and brand. In order to reach as many women as possible with the women's empowerment concept, they established a franchise system and looked for cooperation partners in other cities. In 2018, they successfully launched this system in the pioneering cities of Hamburg and Rosenheim. In just two years, the community of 20 women grew to more than 1,000 who make the community a wonderful place through in-depth connection and active cooperation.
Since the end of 2018 Lara has been pursuing other professional paths. She handed over the scepter to Maren Jopen in December 2018. Maren had been a member of the community since the 2nd WOMEN'S HUB DAY in Munich and was immediately enthusiastic about the idea of joining.

Eli (Daniela) Perlmaier and Maren Jopen not only share the vision "Empowered women create a better world". They are both passionate about developing potential in the community and want to open up spaces for it. They both define entrepreneurship in a new and more feminine way. They have both already stood on the TEDx stage and see great power in real stories from real people.
From the very beginning the WOMEN'S HUB has been supported by many. Developing potentials together is true not only for Eli and Maren but also for the WOMEN'S HUB as a company. The two mothers Eli and Maren lead a successful and well-financed social start-up as "soft entrepreneurs" and turning it into an international movement. They are working with great joy and passion to see what form of organization this leads to, what spaces are still being opened up for this form of growing together, and what other things are allowed to grow.
We shared our vision and as a result the WOMEN'S HUB community took on a new dimension from summer 2018 onwards. We are working with SISTERS who are bringing the WOMEN'S HUB to more cities.
Our wish had not yet been voiced when, at a WOMEN'S HUB DAY in November 2017, Dannie Quilitzsch together with Lena Carstensen suggested bringing the WOMEN'S HUB to Hamburg. In addition to Munich and Hamburg, the WOMEN'S HUB also takes place in Rosenheim where Verena Goebel was our SISTER of choice. She was immediately enthusiastic and, together with Andrea Wolff, forms a dream team for Rosenheim and the surrounding area. In 2020 we are starting our first international and English-speaking WOMEN’S HUB in Zurich with Arjanna Van Der Plas and Nele Clüver as our SISTERS in Switzerland.
We are already talking to SISTERS in other cities and are happy to see many pioneers and visionaries who will become part of our movement.

The core of the WOMEN'S HUB is the WOMEN'S HUB DAY event. An in-depth connection is created between the women through personal interaction. In addition, the WOMEN'S HUB DAY sets the scene for everything that happens in the community, in-person and digitally.
When you join a WOMEN'S HUB DAY, you become a member of the community. You share your vision, your talents, and your wishes in the member area of our website. The WOMEN'S HUB lives through our active cooperation - and that is why we all want to get to know each other as soon as possible. You will automatically get access to the profiles and contact details of all women.
Anyone who cannot come to a WOMEN'S HUB DAY can become part of the community via the public area of the website, the Facebook group, and Instagram.
We have many more plans: We want to grow internationally, expand our online community, and win an Oscar for our feature film 'Empowered women create a better world'.
For 4 years we have been investing all our energy into the WOMEN'S HUB. Countless hours have been invested by us and our partners.
We are convinced that we will change the world with the WOMEN'S HUB. With the appropriate financial means, we will increase our force and energy.
Write to us if you can and want to provide ideas, contacts, subsidies, or a lottery win for the WOMEN'S HUB.
With the WOMEN'S HUB we support women to develop their potential in a strong community, to be themselves and in their full power. We pursue the goal of becoming a Europe-wide movement so that as many women as possible can become part of this strong community. Therefore, we are looking for Sisters who would like to open up new WOMEN'S HUB cities.
We are as excited about a WOMEN'S HUB in Wuppertal, Halle, or Göttingen as about a WOMEN'S HUB in Berlin, Vienna, or Copenhagen. And if a strong SISTERS team wants to bring the WOMEN'S HUB to Taipei, we will be there and become a worldwide movement with you.
Here you can find out more. Write to us if you want to become a sister of the WOMEN'S HUB.