Next Love Sessions

With the WOMEN'S HUB we want to change the way people encounter each other. We want women to experience how good we can be for each other. We can strengthen each other incredibly and bring ourselves to greatness together. For this we have created a place, the WOMEN'S HUB, where we can develop our potential in the community, where we support and grow with each other.
With the LOVE SESSIONS, we are opening up a virtual space. We want to do something good for ourselves, strengthen our togetherness and help shape our future. The WOMEN'S HUB thrives on exchange and shared inspiration, which helps us in our personal and professional development. In our LOVE SESSIONS the talk of an expert is always followed by an exchange in small groups. You don't just listen but apply the topic directly for yourself.
The WOMEN'S HUB LOVE SESSIONS were created because of this extraordinary situation we currently find ourselves in. We have come to love this format a lot. The sessions carry us, keep us in our positive energy and let us stay connected. And... you don't have to look for a parking space, don't have to get a babysitter – you can just dive into the WOMEN'S HUB spirit from the comfort of your own home.
FOR ALL OF YOU Our first joint event for WOMEN'S HUB women of all communities and people who are interested in the WOMEN'S HUB, everywhere in the world
NINETY MINUTES Together in a zoom room (video conference) - we see and hear each other, and even do small group breakouts
REGULARLY Wednesday and/or Sunday, one topic at 8 pm Central European Time.
WITH A PROFESSIONAL A woman with "WOMEN'S HUB QUALITY" - we know that she brings the right mix of expertise, open heart and spirit.
IN GERMAN AND ENGLISH We are giong international. There will be an English speaking community in Zurich.
AND US With Eli and Nele from WOMEN'S HUB (in German). With Arjanna and Nele from the WOMEN'S HUB ZURICH (in English). We moderate, connect, hold, and organize the virtual space around the professionals.
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